
Wrap Around


Sprinter Room- ‘Wrap Around’ Playgroup Daycare Service

We can provide ‘Wrap Around’ childcare for Playgroup aged children in “Sprinters” for the following hours:

Breakfast Club (term time) - Care between the hours of 7.30am - 9.00am with breakfast served up until 8.30am.

After 11.30am care (term time) - Care between the hours of 11.30am - 6pm which includes dinner (approx. 12.15pm) and afternoon tea (approx. 3.30) Sample Menu.

Sprinters Full day- Care between the hours of 7:30am - 6pm when Playgroup is closed. This is care outside of the Sprinter term time contract and you are only charge for days that you are book your child in.

Travel to/from other Pre-School settings- Playtime can provide Sprinter ‘wraparound’ care for Pre-school children from other settings (not pre-preschool aged children), however we do not facilitate a taxi service. These arrangements are made, maintained and paid by the parent on a private basis, i.e. between the parent and taxi driver.


Please Note: Playgroup Wrap Around care Google form closes Friday 11th August